About Us
Contact Us

Randall A Wolf 
Family Foundation
SMALL STEPS is a non-profit local organization which has a single event in November of each year. Its mission is to buy warm winter jackets and shoes for 375 deserving children who have been identified by their teachers. When a teacher identifies a child, their siblings are also included in the shopping trip. With our fundraising efforts and charitable contributions from the community we are able to fund this event. One Hundred Percent of the money received from donors like you goes directly to the children.

​​Tax deductible contributions can be made and mailed to:

Small Steps
Post Office Box 2137
Hollister, CA 95024 

or delivered to:  243 Sixth Street, Ste 220, Hollister, CA. 

  Marilyn Ferraro
                        Matthew J. Kelley, Inc.
Phillip & Katherine Foster
Lily Klauer
GMA Partners, LLC.-Antone & Cathy Alameda
Robert Stratton
Father Larry Betrozoff
Women's Club of Hollister
Fishes & Loaves
United Way of SB Co.
Hollister Exchange Club
Hollister Rotary
Cienega 4H
Community Foundation of SB Co. (Catherine Fund)
Mr. & Mrs. Alan Clark
Infinity Staffing
Interwest Insurance Services, LLC
Pacific Gas & Electric Co